Mosaics - Page 2

This is a tribute to the beauty of Israel and its geographic and cultural diversity. The mountains at the bottom are contrasted with the yellow deserts, blue seas, and colorful forests. Despite this beauty, there is a foreboding to this piece; the landscape is interpolated by circles of conflict like a pox on the land. Some of the circles are startlingly red, representing the devastating bloodshed that scourges the pristine country.

MATERIALS: White Stoneware, Sculpture Clay, Lowfire Glazes, Underglazes & Oxides
DIMENSIONS: 18 inches ( 45.72 cm ) X 14 inches ( 35.56 cm )

This piece is inspired by my children’s medical work. My son is a doctor and my daughter is a medical student. Having been a source of support on their journeys, I have come to appreciate the incredible beauty, complexity, and mystery of the biomedical sciences. The cell-like shapes in this piece represent the geometry and aesthetics of our tissues and cells, but also the tension between the deep knowledge we have of such structures, and the many mysteries that yet remain.

MATERIALS: White Stoneware, Sculpture Clay, Lowfire Glazes, Underglazes & Oxides
DIMENSIONS: 20 inches ( 50.8 cm ) X 20 inches ( 50.8 cm )

This mosaic is a representation of archeology and the history of aesthetics. In particular, I hope to capture the way that aesthetic themes layer over each other over time. Whether in architecture, fashion, or visual art, we are constantly contending with the presence of many prior eras. What we consider contemporary is really a constellation of various schools of thought from the past that are in constant conversation with each other and with the present moment. Our own aesthetic sense at any given time is really a constellation of individual moments—represented in the distinct lines—observed from our own vantage point as a whole.

MATERIALS: White Stoneware, Sculpture Clay, Lowfire Glazes & Oxides
DIMENSIONS: 30 inches ( 76.2 cm ) X 30 inches ( 76.2 cm )

This series is a visual exploration of the integrity of shapes. Strongly demarcated figures exist in tension with patterns, textures colors, and other shapes within them.

MATERIALS: White Stoneware, Sculpture Clay, Lowfire Glazes, Underglazes & Oxides
DIMENSIONS: 15 inches ( 38.1 cm ) X 11 inches ( 27.94 cm )

This series is a visual exploration of the integrity of shapes. Strongly demarcated figures exist in tension with patterns, textures colors, and other shapes within them.

MATERIALS: White Stoneware, Sculpture Clay, Lowfire Glazes, Underglazes & Oxides
DIMENSIONS: 18 inches ( 45.72 cm ) X 14 inches ( 35.56 cm )